Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Whole world is curved

When asked if the test was going to be curved, my professor scoffed, and said "is the test curved pfft, whole world is curved!, statistics is curved!  Even light is curved,  pfft, yes yes the test is curved."

so it seems that the randomness we see as chance is really the bell curve - "normal distribution" and it looks like a bell curve.  One professor said the best way to describe it is ...if you have a wall ..and its filled with a bunch of pegs and you throw tennis balls at it no matter if you hit the sides or the middle ..or try to change it ..the damm balls will always land on the bottom in a pattern ..and that's a bell curve pattern (like the picture on the bottom) - so ...whole world is curved.  so if you play planko ..bet for the middle.